
Wednesday 17 October 2018

They didn't tell me that!

Hey everybody, hope you are well. I was reading Lauren's blog a few weeks ago and loved reading her post which included things she had learnt the first year of being a mum, I definitely thought I wanted to do something similar and here it is! A post about things that people didn't tell me I'd be doing or saying as a mum...

1) Poo checking - honestly who knew this was a thing? Right from the first poo when it's really just black gloop to poos when they are 3 years old, to make sure there's nothing wrong. I never knew that being a mum meant that I was going to avidly check poo, probably every nappy change, and some how know everything that was wrong with my child because of said poo. If you don't have a baby yet, I assure you that this is a thing, a shitty thing ;).

2) Baby wipes will become your life - this probably isn't a negative thing but honestly baby wipes clean everything. A spillage on the floor, that has gone sticky, will easily be cleaned by baby wipes. To say how kind they can be on your baby's bottom they literally clean everything. I will honestly grab a packet of baby wipes to clean... take your makeup off, wipe down baby items, clean bums, clean floors. Obviously you'll go over with other things, but they are a saviour. Jamie and I have both said that we'll still have baby wipes even when Tabitha has long gone nappies.

3) You will look like a tramp whilst your children look like a million dollars - obviously I am very envious of those mum's who look like a million dollars, with make up and lovely clothes, but this mum is rocking Jamie's big t-shirts, primark's finest leggings and a mum bun. Tabitha and Casper, however, are rocking handmade clothes where one outfit probably costs the same as my entire wardrobe. Who knew this was a thing? Before children I did daily make-up, my hair was beautiful and I generally cared about my appearance - I now give myself a high five if a manage to brush my hair and then generally put back in a mum bun. I am always saying my children represent me, but they far surpass this mum.

4) You will know the ins and outs of specific child's tv programmes/films and find yourself watching them when the children aren't in the room - our programmes at the minute are Waffle the Wonder Dog and Hey Duggee. Jamie and I must have watched each episode maybe 10 times. It baffles me how they don't get bored, I enjoy Criminal Minds and have watched through twice but I definitely couldn't watch on repeat - mind numbing. Yet, I find myself watching these on repeat and not totally hating them because they may keep my children quiet for 10 minutes so my heads stops pounding.

5) You will tidy 20 times a day and it will still be a mess at bed time - I guess we could all predict this, but I envy tidy houses because in my household it is a mess from 6am to 6pm. I will literally tidy every hour and look back 5 minutes later and it's worse than what it was. I ask myself why bother and I should just leave it until bed time but I just can't - for some reason I give into the torture and tidy again and again. I literally cannot wait for my children to be of the age where they actively tidy up after themselves.

6) You will argue with a mini version of yourself - Casper is 3 going on 30; he thinks he knows everything and honestly have an answer to every thing. I never knew I would have daily arguments with my child, and sometimes he wins :O. He actually wins. He is so clever and some of his points I literally cannot argue against and I get smarted by a 3 year old. Being a mum definitely tests my patience, when all you want to do is tell him where to go.

7) Telling them off is so hard - I always thought this would be easy but sometimes they do some things which are hilarious and you have to tell them they are wrong but you are struggling not to laugh. Jamie and I have had moments when we are in hysterics but trying to compose ourselves to tell them that they are wrong. I try to hide my smile behind a pillow and tell them no, totally winning at it really.

8) Washing is never ending - before children I was able to do a clothes wash for Jamie and I every 3 days maybe, but now I'm lucky if it's just one load a day. I don't understand how they create so much washing, when they are such small people. You will cheer when you finish the washing and drying, then look back and mysteriously a new pile has appeared. I am sure they laugh behind your back and just make mess on purpose, just to wash more. I dread when we go on holiday because it takes about a week to get on top and be left with one load, I was excited when we went on a caravan holiday in June and the caravan had a washing machine! I get ecstatic when the sun is out and my washing will dry on the line. Who knew being a mum would mean I get joy from my washing.

Well these are just some of the things I've learnt since being a mum. Hope you enjoyed reading!

Take care,
Natalie x

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