
Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Top Five: Overrated Products.

Hi everyone! Hope you are well. I thought the next topic to bring up, after our top 5 recommended products, would definitely be overrated products! Just to say our overrated products didn't work for us but may work for you, it's all individual choice ;).

1) Baby bath
This should not be surprising based on our favourite 5, but I just don't get the point of a baby bath. They are just so bulky and have no real purpose. Bathing with your baby is so much easier and, if you don't feel as safe, bath seats are a great purchase. We ended up just putting our baby bath in the loft because it took up too much space and was just unneeded.

2) Ewan the sheep

This is one I really think depends on the baby but we bought it for Tabitha with such high expectations and it just flopped for us. It never really settled her and definitely didn't send her to sleep. I will however say we had the original Ewan the Sheep, they have now released a Deluxe Ewan the Sheep which has developed technology vs the first. This means when your baby is unsettled it will automatically turn on again. I'd be interested to see if this would actually work for Tabitha, as the time it takes us to get upstairs she gets herself it a little tizzy and no soothing sound helps.

3) Baby shoes/slippers

I think this will be a personal choice really. We actually bought baby Converse and other brand shoes for Casper, and although they were adorable kind of a big waste of money. Converse did stay on, but with the slippers and slip on shoes we spent more time putting them back on Casper than time actually spent on him. We actually didn't buy any shoes before Tabitha was born and she wore one pair when she was 2 months old (for a very short period of time) for her Auntie Victoria's wedding but I'm really glad we didn't waste money this time around. It meant more money for dresses and hair bows (which totally are not pointless like shoes.... right... haha).

4) Burp cloths
I definitely can hand on heart say we never used them. Neither of our children were sickly children, and actually both barely brought up wind by burping and so just another thing that went in the loft. It's really a one use product and so instead I'd recommend just getting a couple of big muslin cloths. They're great for quick clean up, the massive ones are a great cover for breastfeeding if you are not comfortable just whipping it out and they're perfect instead of a blanket in warmer weather.

5) Cot bumpers and expensive bedding sets

So this one we actually didn't buy, but I really wanted to mention it as an overrated product. Before toys r us went into administration, I worked for babies r us and the amount of people I saw buy the bedding sets - with cot bumpers was unreal. Did you know that an empty cot is a safe cot? That is what should be repeated in our heads, so just bed sheet, blanket (or ideally sleeping bag) and baby. Cot bumpers are so unsafe and raise the risk of SIDs. It just isn't worth it. I understand people enjoying the look of the nursery all done up with these bedding sets and they can look beautiful but in terms of use for the baby you wouldn't really be getting any use out of it.

That about winds up my top 5 overrated products, do you agree or disagree with any? What do you regret or would advise against new mum's buying?

Thank you for reading! Hope you have a great day and I'll see you again soon ;).

Natalie x

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